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SeriMarca News RSS Feed

11 Jul Screen Printing Film Printers: AM Screening (Traditional) and FM Screening (Stochastic) RIP Software
05 Jun Is CorelDraw compatible? What operating system is required? Screen Printing Film Printers
SeriMarca 3 2261
Is CorelDraw compatible? What operating system is required? Antonio risponde!I'm writing to inquire about a screen printing film printer. I work with CorelDraw; is it compatible, or do I need your sof..
27 Mar What features should a screen printing film printer have?
SeriMarca 3 2478
Quali caratteristiche deve avere una stampante di lucidi serigrafici? Antonio risponde!Sviluppare le pellicole internamente: prendi il controllo del tuo processo!Allora, quali caratteristiche deve ave..
28 Sep Screen Printing Film Printers for independently printing transparencies
SeriMarca 3 6627
Tutorial to print an opaque film with the SM Pellicole software See how to configure our Rip software to independently print a film with the highest quality and coverage to develop frames, clichés, s..
25 Jun Discover how to separate a logo into CMYK for screen printing - Watch our tutorial!
SeriMarca 3 3593
Tutorial to print an opaque film with the SM Pellicole software See how to configure our Rip software to independently print a film with the highest quality and coverage to develop frames, clichés, s..
SeriMarca 0 3613
::: Webinar Gratuito Stampanti di Pellicole SMPartecipa anche tu al Webinar gratuito nei giorni 22 o 23 settembre 2021. Il tecnico è a disposizione per rispondere a tutte le domande!* Hai mai pensato ..
15 Feb NOVITÀ SERIMARCA  JetPlay DTF Stampante su Tessuto
SeriMarca 4 14419
NEW SERIMARCA JetPlay DTF Fabric Printer DTF printer for customizing all types of fabrics Customizing has never been easier! Allows you to transfer prints on light and dark materials. Applicable mat..
19 Nov Stampa da te le tue pellicole!
SeriMarca 1 5048
We have carried out tests to show the effectiveness of the black ink opacity on films printed with the SeriMarca system. The maximum coverage of black is essential to block UV rays when engraving plat..
19 Nov Perché acquistare il Kit SM Stampanti di Pellicole?
SeriMarca 0 3061
We have carried out tests to show the effectiveness of the black ink opacity on films printed with the SeriMarca system. The maximum coverage of black is essential to block UV rays when engraving plat..
28 Oct Expostampa ci presenta
SeriMarca 0 3189
::: Webinar Gratuito Stampanti di Pellicole SMPartecipa anche tu al Webinar gratuito nei giorni 22 o 23 settembre 2021. Il tecnico è a disposizione per rispondere a tutte le domande!* Hai mai pensato ..
12 Oct Webinar: Si, Grafica retinata in 1 Click
SeriMarca 0 2825
::: Webinar Gratuito Stampanti di Pellicole SMPartecipa anche tu al Webinar gratuito nei giorni 22 o 23 settembre 2021. Il tecnico è a disposizione per rispondere a tutte le domande!* Hai mai pensato ..
12 Apr Proof that SM films are not afraid of water or alcohol
SeriMarca 0 2999
In this video we demonstrate how the films printed with the SeriMarca Kit do not get damaged if they accidentally come into contact with not excessively aggressive liquids. We performed the tests wit..
Showing 1 to 12 of 17 (2 Pages)