About Us
The new Schedule feature allows you to display any module at specific dates in the future, or to disable any module automatically at a certain time and date. Imagine the possibilities and peace of mind...designing your promotional banners or sliders, or entire product modules that only show up on specific dates and are disabled automatically whenever you don't need them anymore.
These are just a few of the outstanding features available in the new Journal 3 framework, there are so many new options and possibilities that it will takes us a very long time to list them all.
We at SeriMarca, artisans in the silk-screen and pad printing sector since 2008, have given life to SeriMarca SM Pellicole after 10 years of experience, as we needed to satisfy our important customers, both in the speed of deliveries and in terms of quality of our prints.
This is why we decided to invest our efforts over time to create a product that would satisfy our main need: Excellence.
Along the way we had difficulty in finding film suppliers / graphic studios that followed us continuously and with immediate availability, even on holidays (in our area, requests for printing can be really numerous at certain times of the year, right? ).
With increasingly tight deadlines and having a portfolio of important customers, we have been forced to study and create in-house an optimal system for printing films. In this process we have found fundamental partners to develop a printer that produces transparencies of the highest quality.
Today as a leader in the customization of transparencies thanks to the SM Film Printers, we put our products on the market in order to help professionals such as screen printing, pad printing, stamping, graphic design studios, label makers, box factories and for all professionals in the field of printing and customizations.
We consider ourselves the specialists in this sector not only because we offer the best system to print films autonomously, but we are also able to follow our customers with the constant updates that the market offers.
The remote assistance service with our technicians is free and unlimited and consists in supporting customers by training them in the use of our software, to transform any complex, colored and shaded image into dither monochrome or breaking it down into four-color process making everything easy and automatic.